
Monday, June 10, 2019

Gardening with Science

Walt: We are learning to identify topic specific words and definitions.

Compost-a mixture largely of decayed matter of once living things ( as grass ) or their products ( as coffee grinds ) and used for fertilising and conditioning land.
Oxygen-A reactive element that is found in water,rocks,and free as a colourless tasteless odourless gas which forms about 21 percent of the atmosphere,that is capable of combining with almost all element, and that is necessary for life see element table.
Chlorophyll-The green colouring matter that is found chiefly in the chloroplasts of plants and is necessary for photosynthesis.
Dioxide-and oxide containing two atoms of oxygen in the molecule.
Gardening-a plot of ground where herbs,fruit,flowers, or vegetables are grown.

it was quite hard understanding my definitions at first but then I got it.

did you know what chlorophyll is ?.

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