
Thursday, June 20, 2019

Leaning map

Learning Maps

Walt: we are learning about who and what helps us learn.

My learning map shows what helps me learn.

It was easy because all I had to do was name all the things that helped me learn.

What helps you learn ?

Monday, June 17, 2019

P.E Swimming

Walt : We are learning to swim safety.

I am able to float on my front and back.     yes

I can do front glide with correct kicking.   yes

I can glide on my back with correct kicking. yes

I can swim freestyle. yes

I can swim backstroke. yes

I can do sculling to keep afloat. no

I can swim one length of freestyle with correct breathing. yes

It was fun when we got to do Activities like getting in groups and trying to float on our backs together while holding hands and it was fun doing it.

What would you do to keep safe when you are in trouble in a rip?

P.E Assessment:

Walt: WE are learning to catch and pass a large ball.

Walt: WE are learning to catch and pass a large ball.

I show I can throw a lobe pass by stepping forwards and throwing with both hands.

 I show I can throw a bounce pass by stepping forwards and throwing from my chest.

I show I can throw a chest pass by stepping and throwing from my chest hard.

It was quite hard at first but then I got the hang of it.

What kind of throw are you good at ?

Hazel-Rose fun holiday

Kicked out, annoyed,entertaining,playing,climbing


I’m Hazel-Rose and I’m going to tell you about my holiday.

I went to my nana’s and papa’s house for the hole school
                    Nana’s Papa’s                    whole
holiday.every day I got kicked outside until the sun went
down. why the sun was going slowly down, I played with my
aunty Miwa and Kaia. one was 3 years old and the other one
Aunty’s                        One
was 5 years old. Kaia, Miwa and I were playing princesses on
the trailer together. it was quite boring playing that but Miwa
and Kaia wanted to play it so I played it with them. The next

day I woke up really early because Miwa and Kaia woke me

up at 3 o’clock in the morning. So I got up and had breakfast

and played the same thing that we played yesterday

afternoon. I snack away to my aunty house and it was so
peaceful up there that I wanted to stay up there forever

but my aunty Rachel called me down to help her with the
Wood, to take it to my aunt's house, to return the trailer back
Wood too take            aunty’s
to her.  it took 3 hours because we found a dog on the
           It                                                    in
middle of the road so we took it back to its home. then we
were on our way to take the trailer back to my aunty’s

House. My aunty had a small driveway and it was puit tricky to
get out me and my aunty had to go through the paddock.

when I got home it was 8:30 at
night and we were just in time for dinner. we had pork chops
, chicken, legs and  salad for dinner. The next day it was

entertaining because I gotta to stay inside for the hole day I
                                   got to     whole
watch tv the hole day until dinner. I got really annoyed by
Miwa and Kaia a little bit. At dinner the kids eat first, then the
adult eat. then we all get dsert. In the  
   Aet                              desert
middle of the night aunty Crisis came when my

nana,papa,aunty Rachel and uncle fill were watching the

game of thrones. it just ended when she got there and they all
laughed at her  she did because she loved the game of

thrones so they played it again  for her.The next day I was

climbing the tree and I nily fell of but I didn't  I was lucky.
Then I climbed back down and Miwa and Kaia were

beginning  me to play princess with them and I said yes

and this is the last time that I'm playing.

We played that for 2 hours and then we got to go and have

lunch what I had for lunch is ham and cheese toastie
and it was good. At night I got to watch a movie, I picked how
to train your dragon, the Race. it was cool the best one
                                                It                               character
that I liked was Astrid. she is strong pretty and brave when it
comes to new dragons and hiccups. after that I watch another
                                                         After          watch
movie. it was ‘Mune’. it was a story about ‘Mune’ and ‘Sahun’
          It                      It  
getting the sun and moon back so there planet doesn't turn to
grey and they worked together to get the sun and moon back.

While I was watching Mune I was eating chocolate. hafe the
While                                                                         way
Movie aunty Rachel told me to get off. The next day I was going
home. so was Kaia and Miwa. when I got home I went straight to
So                                         When

  some of the work was hard and some of the work was easy

what did you do on the holidays      

Gardening with Science

Walt: WE are learning to identify topic specific words and find the meaning.

It was quite hard because I could not find the right meaning of the word's.

What kind of tree would you draw?

Monday, June 10, 2019

Gardening with Science

Walt: We are learning to identify topic specific words and definitions.

Compost-a mixture largely of decayed matter of once living things ( as grass ) or their products ( as coffee grinds ) and used for fertilising and conditioning land.
Oxygen-A reactive element that is found in water,rocks,and free as a colourless tasteless odourless gas which forms about 21 percent of the atmosphere,that is capable of combining with almost all element, and that is necessary for life see element table.
Chlorophyll-The green colouring matter that is found chiefly in the chloroplasts of plants and is necessary for photosynthesis.
Dioxide-and oxide containing two atoms of oxygen in the molecule.
Gardening-a plot of ground where herbs,fruit,flowers, or vegetables are grown.

it was quite hard understanding my definitions at first but then I got it.

did you know what chlorophyll is ?.